One God. One Life. Together.

Our theme focuses on the concept of “I Breathe – cultivating intimacy with Christ and developing Christ-like character.”

Last year, with our theme “Clear”, we emphasized that Jesus, who sees us unfiltered and as Creator, knows us best and who we are.

This year, the challenge is to be that person consistently across all platforms, whether on social media, with our families, at school, at youth group or anywhere else.

Our poster reflects different parts of what represents CBOQ Youth. The coloured photos are more recent; the black and white photos are further in our past. If you turn the poster upside down, you’ll notice the logo doesn’t change; it is consistent no matter if it’s upside down or right-side up.

Who we are encompasses our history towards the present. Coupled with our identity defined by Jesus, we strive to fully live out that identity no matter the context.

ONE poster

How Will We Use This Theme?

  • Each month, we’ll release content that you can use in your youth group to further develop the theme.
  • Our Avalanche and Blizzard retreats will focus on this theme.

In light of the climate and culture of 2020, let us become the space where youth can wrestle in honesty and integrity with significant issues surrounding them as we strive to live out the identity Jesus calls us together and individually.

If you need any further assistance, contact us.

Monthly Theme Releases